
On behalf of the organizing committee, we welcome you to the Opening Ceremony on November 17, 2022 at 3:00 p.m at "Liria" Building, "Freedom" Conference Hall, University of Tirana co-hosted and co-organized by 16 CEI Partner Universities. 
The Conference Agenda is available here AGENDA.
Conference Day 1: November 17, 2022

Location: “Liria” Building, “Freedom” Conference Hall, University of TiranaAddress: Street Arben Broci, Tirana, AlbaniaConference Opening Ceremony: 15:00 -18:00

 Conference Day 2: November 18, 2022
Location: Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana
Address: Street Arben Broci, Tirana, Albania
Panel Sessions and Discussions: 9:00 – 13:00

Further assistance and guidelines to the online participants will be provided soon.

We are looking forward to personally meeting you at the event!

The International Conference “Circular Economy: Opportunities and Challenges” is an academic and scientific event organized by the following CEI member partners:

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia)
Czech University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic)
Danubius University from Galati (Romania)
University of Dubrovnik (Croatia)
University of Kielce (Poland)
University of Rzeszow (Poland)
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Ukraine)
University of Brescia (Italy)
University of Salento (Italy)
University of Dzemal Bijedic in Mostar (Bosnia and Hercegovina)
University of Tuzla (Bosna and Hercegovina)
University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)
University of Tetova (Republic of North Macedonia)
International University of Struga (Republic of North Macedonia)
University of  Tirana (Albania)
Metropolitan University Tirana (Albania)

Looking forward to learning about your novel research endeavors in the field of circular economy and to participating in interdisciplinary conversations regarding decision making in society and organisations of CEI members.

Copyright © 2025 Fakulteti i Ekonomisë, Universiteti i Tiranës. Të gjitha të drejtat e rezervuara.